- PPMM Club -

عليكم‎ السلام‎
this is the ahli kelab muda mudi's own blog. so any upcoming activities, just refer here. thanks

pukul berapa udah kan?


ahli jawatankuasa ppmm

ahli jawatankuasa ppmm
Hafiz (Ketua Lelaki).Ayen (Ketua Perempuan).Bebeh (Penolong Lelaki).Shadah (Penolong Perempuan).Jannah (Bendahari)

Sabtu, 27 Jun 2009



on this friday, 3rd of July, we will held a meeting at 2.30 so for those who want to join acara malam seni budaya on the 18th of July, please do come yes.. okay?

and also, for the current penolong pengerusi lelaki, Abdul Azizul Jabbar, i want you to come on that day also because me and arqam need to talk with you about something..
DATANG ahh JIJUL aaa!!! jangan ko inda.. HAHAHA!!

ohh yes and also, besok, jangan lupa bangun awal and then buka tv at channel brunei and watch rampai pagi aaa because si hafiz and jannah will be on air, emmm i mean on your tv's screen.. so watch it!! HAHAHA!! good luck brloo and jannah.. =)))

and pictures from camping will be post soon.. so just be patience..





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