- PPMM Club -

عليكم‎ السلام‎
this is the ahli kelab muda mudi's own blog. so any upcoming activities, just refer here. thanks

pukul berapa udah kan?


ahli jawatankuasa ppmm

ahli jawatankuasa ppmm
Hafiz (Ketua Lelaki).Ayen (Ketua Perempuan).Bebeh (Penolong Lelaki).Shadah (Penolong Perempuan).Jannah (Bendahari)

Selasa, 16 Jun 2009


Guys...About this camping thing,take the borang from me(hanief) on saturday,please pay your payments,$15 for your foods and so on on that day juaa,but the borang can be submitted on monday(the Day).the dateline is at 5pm.

So.. for those who wanna join,please DO come on saturday,take the borang and pay the payment.Any questions regarding this thing,contact Hanief or Arqam.


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